Project 04 : Cerebral Cortex

Find and Label

  1. Find and label the deep interhemispheric fissure separating the cerebral hemispheres.
  2. Find and locate the lateral (Sylvian) fissure and the temporal lobe.
  3. Find and locate the deeply buried insular cortex which is normally covered by parts of the frontal and temporal lobes termed opercula (“lid of the pot”)
  4. Find and label the orbital frontal cortex which is implicated in emotional and social decision-making.
  5. Find and label the cingulate gyrus which is implicated in event monitoring.
  6. Find and label the following myelinated tracts: internal capsule, external capsule and extreme capsule.

Questions to Hand-In

  1. What are the generic terms for infoldings and outfoldings of the cerebral cortex.
  2. Where would you find the primary gustatory (taste) cortex?
  3. Bonus: Where does olfactory and gustatory perception converge in the brain?

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